Monday, October 8, 2012

Palouse Kitchen Design

My revised concept statement goes as follows:

"Mimicking the staggered series of lines from the concept, materials and patterns were selected to provide stability and a sense of being grounded. The overall feeling is of comfort and solidarity, leaving the user at ease and at home."

With this design, I strived to incorporate both the rigidity and repetition of line found in my concept model as well as small areas with curvilinear lines. The juxtaposition in my concept was such an accurate portrayal of my song to me, that I found the integration of both forms very integral to my design. I kept the overall colors very neutral partly due to my own interpretation of how a home should feel. Neutrality and calmness are important characteristics that I associate with home and I opted for these when choosing my materials. I also considered the client, Seth's, request for more natural materials and used that idea as the foundation for my design decisions. The incorporation of small amounts of color, in this case a nice marigold yellow, was taken from my concept model color scheme.

An important goal with the space orientation, for me was to create small areas of interest within a large space. In the entryway I was able to create a desk/nook where bills can be paid or homework can be done. A bookcase on the opposite side of the entryway was included to estabilish a separation of space, entry from living. It also helps to break up the long wall and distinguish the main entrance door from one of the bedroom doors. I placed them close to avoid any conflicts with wall space in case a tv was placed on the east living room wall and then chose to add the open-sided book case.

With this project was confronted with several challenges surrounding the orientation of various elements of the space and how they communicate with each other. With each design decision, a result is created that had a direct effect on some other decision. Design is, in other words, a large puzzle. By spending copious hours researching the different options and solutions used by other designers, I was able to solve my own problems within this space as well as obtain knowledge that wiould easily benefit other designs. Though the design was difficult, it was all-in-all, a necessary learning opportunity that will improve my approach to design next time I am confronted with the chance to design a kitchen.