Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Process Poster

For this project, the task was to make a poster that summarized the design process used to create a concept model. To begin with, a nature object was selected that was an abstract representation of a chosen designers overall aesthetic. The nature object was then transformed into parti drawings that then inspired a 2-D concept model. The concept model was intended as a 2-d representation of the extension of lines found in leaves. The concept of the lines extending from a central core was then taken into the next design process of creating a concept model for a furniture piece. The room in which it resides was thought to be a calming room, where the user would be able to sit and relax, maybe read a book. To help create that ambiance, a sort of stool was designed that elevated the user above the floor and set a tone for the room that encouraged isolation in a comforting way. Personal motivations helped to conclude that a light source underneath the stool would also create a calming effect, given that the furniture piece would be made of some sort of translucent material. A series of lines would also seemingly grow out from underneath the seat which would create patterns on the walls of the room and help immerse the user in the soft glow and make them feel as if they are surrounded by nature.