Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Historical Textile Pattern

This is another pattern created with Greek art in mind. I considered all of the iconic designs and art pieces that are associated with the Greek's and knew that the inclusion of Greek columns and scrolls would be integral to creating a pattern that successfully represented their culture. The center image was one that I found depicting an ancient story about mythical creatures that came to Greeks from the gods. The story was fascinating and I found the inclusion of the art piece to be a great addition to the pattern because of how it complimented the other colors already present in the design. This was my second opportunity to work with Photoshop and was very proud of my progress in learning to work with the program.

Greek 4th Century Art Pattern

This pattern was created to combine elements of Greek 4th Century art into one cohesive piece. Although challenging, I found that the images for this particular historical period were very similar in terms of color's used for the art as well as the overall color of the materials used in some cases dealing with sculptures. This being my first time working with Photoshop, I found some tasks extremely difficult, however had the opportunity to learn quite a bit throughout the process of completing the pattern. My following projects show my increasing ability to work with the program, which makes me look forward to the day when I am able to make more professional and creative projects.

Class Sketches 1-3